black and white bed linen

La guarida del León

Este no es un espacio para todos. Aquí, solo encontrarás mis verdades, crudas y sin filtro. Solo lo que resuena en mi interior tiene cabida aquí. Si buscas consenso, amabilidad forzada o verdades universales, estás en el lugar equivocado. Si decides quedarte, es bajo tu propio riesgo. Este blog es un espejo de mi mente, un archivo de mis obsesiones y un patio de recreo para mis amigos más cercanos. Somos lo que escribimos, y aquí, escribimos lo que somos

Verdades crudas y sin filtro

Bienvenidos a un espacio auténtico y personal. Aquí comparto mis obsesiones y reflexiones, un lugar donde la sinceridad es la norma y el riesgo es parte de la experiencia.

A laptop displays a web page with a bold header text reading 'Blog' against a colorful abstract background. Several thumbnail images are displayed below the header, featuring various content such as graphics and text. The screen is illuminated, creating a contrast against the dark keyboard and surrounding environment.
A laptop displays a web page with a bold header text reading 'Blog' against a colorful abstract background. Several thumbnail images are displayed below the header, featuring various content such as graphics and text. The screen is illuminated, creating a contrast against the dark keyboard and surrounding environment.
Un reflejo de mi mente



Galería Introspectiva

Un reflejo de mis obsesiones y verdades sin filtro.

A person with long brown hair is sitting down, looking introspective. They are wearing a black jacket and a dark sweater in an indoor or outdoor environment with a muted, earthy-colored background.
A person with long brown hair is sitting down, looking introspective. They are wearing a black jacket and a dark sweater in an indoor or outdoor environment with a muted, earthy-colored background.
A monochrome photo of a person wearing glasses and braids, appearing calm and introspective. The background is softly blurred, creating a focus on the person.
A monochrome photo of a person wearing glasses and braids, appearing calm and introspective. The background is softly blurred, creating a focus on the person.
An open notebook with handwritten notes is placed on a wooden table next to a smartphone. The notes appear to focus on personal development and creative values. A partially visible laptop is in the background, creating a workspace setting.
An open notebook with handwritten notes is placed on a wooden table next to a smartphone. The notes appear to focus on personal development and creative values. A partially visible laptop is in the background, creating a workspace setting.
A person is taking a photo of themselves using a camera while looking into a car's side mirror. The person has curly hair and is wearing a mask and a jacket. The viewpoint is intimate, suggesting introspection or contemplation.
A person is taking a photo of themselves using a camera while looking into a car's side mirror. The person has curly hair and is wearing a mask and a jacket. The viewpoint is intimate, suggesting introspection or contemplation.

Conéctate con la guarida del león

Escribe tus pensamientos, aquí solo hay verdades sin filtro.

A laptop displaying a blog or webpage with images and text, sitting on a white table accompanied by a wireless mouse.
A laptop displaying a blog or webpage with images and text, sitting on a white table accompanied by a wireless mouse.